Human development goes beyond the mere economic state of a nation. Most often the state of a nation is mostly expressed by its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) or GNP (Gross National Product). All this put together is the nation’s consumer spending levels, stock market ratings, and debt figures.

These figures don’t show how people are faring. So in 1990, another way to measure Human Development was introduced by the United Nations Development Programme UNDP. It is called the Human Development Index.

Human Development Definitions

Human development refers more to the expansion of the well being of human life, rather than the well being of the economy.

Human development refers more to the expansion of the well being of human life, rather than the well being of the economy. Share on X

Its focus is on creating a fair opportunity for all people, which in turn gives an individual the liberty to make choices.

It is also defined as the process of strengthening human capabilities and enlarging their choices.

Concept of Human Development

The concept of Human Development was first developed by an economist, Mahbub ul Haq. This he did at the World Bank in the 1970s and later replicated the same in his country as a minister of finance.

He argued that the existing measures of human progress failed to take into account the true purpose of development. Which is to improve human existence and impact lives positively.

However, with help from Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen and other proficient economists. Dr. Haq published the first Human Development Report, which was commissioned by the United Nations Development Programme in 1990.

The concept centers on capabilities. What people can do, and what they can become. The most basic capabilities and valued by everyone are:

i. Good health

ii. Good Education

iii. Decent Standard of living

There are other capabilities such as freedom to make life-changing decisions, control over one’s living environment, societal respect, ability to help others, and relax.

These capabilities are either expanded or constrained by the conditions of society, institutions, and our efforts. But generally, people with extended or well-developed capabilities are provided with what it takes “tools” to make their dream or vision of a good life a reality.

We can simply state that without the basic or necessary capabilities, Human potentials are minimally express–therefore unfulfilled. Share on X

Those with less extended capabilities are constrained and are not able to exercise the much-needed freedom. Needed to choose the various paths they desire. And are unable to seize opportunities. We can simply state that without the basic or necessary capabilities, Human potentials are minimally express–therefore unfulfilled.

This leads to the next question on what are the basic capabilities.

Components of Human Development

We have four basic components of human development, they are:

i. Equality

ii. Sustainability

iii. Productivity

iv. Empowerment


This is about enjoying equal access to opportunities to enhance capability at the same rate. This can be effective using societal institutional structures progressively.

Measures for asset distribution for farmers, such as land can be reduced. Using tax-expenditure policies, income also can be distributed amongst the rich and poor evenly. Political opportunities which are mostly for the rich and influential in society need to be more equal.

Education is another vital aspect of any society’s growth. In some nations around the world, the girl child is deprived of basic education. Opening access to education in such places gives everyone the basic training to build and enhance capabilities. That simply means both genders will have equal opportunities to advance in education.


Human development is important, but without sustainable growth-enhancing capability, it will not reach its full potential. Sustainability talks about development keep going and last long.

Sustainability’s main goal is to create a balance between future economic growth and the quality of the environment. Development that enhances the capabilities of the present generation, should not jeopardize the environment for the future generation.

Development that enhances the capabilities of the present generation, should not jeopardize the environment for the future generation. Share on X

A balance between now and the future. Creating systems of human development that provide areas to build capabilities and can be sustained for a lifetime.


Productivity is a result of the right investment in human and physical capital. The quality of investment in people the higher the productivity. In humans are the ideas, skills, talents. But these potentials must be developed before they can be harnessed.

So beginning from basic education, and graduating into specialized training–productivity can be enhanced. It has been observed over time that developed nations give scholarships to great minds in undeveloped nations and retain them.

As a means of taking out the best brains, meanwhile, the undeveloped nation is not concerned about training their people.


Empowerment refers to the decentralization of power, to enable the benefit of good governance spreads to all people. Amongst the other components of Human Development, women are mostly affected by a lack of empowerment.

Most significant in the areas of health and education. However, focusing on women’s education will decrease the fertility rate, improve productivity, reduce health challenges in general, and increase the economic growth of any nation.

Human development is working to improve human capabilities to provide a wide range of choices for them to live.

Objectives of Human Development

The main objective of human development is to develop capabilities and provide access to making preferred choices.

There are three main objectives

1. People

2. Opportunities

3. Choices


Human development improves lives rather than just assume that the GDP or GNP of the nation will automatically lead to greater opportunities for everyone.

Every nation requires income for development. Income becomes more of a means to achieve development than an end.


It is one thing to develop the capability of the people. But it’s another for them to find opportunities to utilize these abilities.

Everyone should be given equal opportunity with some aspects of human development. As they are key or foundational to growth.

These are:

1. A healthy life

2. Access to good education

3. Access to resources necessary for a decent standard of living.


When opportunities are limited, choices are reduced. A person is forced to make his choice based on only what’s available. Which may not be their original intent.

Human development seeks to create an environment for people to develop to their fullest potential. And be able to choose to live the lives they value.

Finally, every nation can achieve a great deal, with a serious approach to Human Development. At CEHDEER we give equal opportunities to marginalized women and the girl child. Empowering them with skills through training, and funds through grants. To be able to strive in the society. You also can be a part of it by reaching out to us.

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