Any nation, will develop if her women are empowered. The issue of women marginalization over the years is still been address, but there’s still a lot we can embark upon.

Empowering women, means to give women a chance. It means to give women equal access to opportunities that men have. Empowerment for women means to give access to make their own choices.

Any nation, will develop if her women are empowered, to join the work force of the men who have already been empowered. Share on X

In many African countries, including Nigeria. Not all women are given the chance of education. Not all women can pursue their career development as their male counterparts do. Not all women are free to make choices of their own.

This is mostly because, cultural practices are held in high esteem rather than embracing civilization. Women are only considered as burden bearers, home keepers, non essentials, inferior, child bearers, and sex pleasers.

However, gender is not an hindrance to productivity. If women are empowered at the same level with men. History has it all to say about great women who have risen out of obscurity to the peak. Even those who have pioneered great inventions and experiences. Women such as:

Gender is not an hindrance to productivity. If women are empowered at the same level with men. Share on X

– Margaret Thatcher who became the 1st female prime minister of Britain.

– Marie Curie, a physicist who was first to win a Nobel prize.

– Dr. Sally Ride The first American woman in space was also the youngest American astronaut ever to orbit Earth.

– Oprah Winfrey An actress and the host of a highly successful talk show, Oprah Winfrey has won several Emmy Awards.

Just to mention a few. Like the saying goes, “what is good for the goose is also good for the gander”. If women, looking back at history have made strange marks to the existence of great nations of the world. They’ll do same if empowered in any nation as well.

It’s just as simple as that. It takes two good parents–husband & wife–to raise a great family. It will also take a combination of man–male & female– to produce similar effects in society.

Areas Women Empowerment Can Help A Nation

1. Education:

Education is the bedrock of any society. It is surprising that this is not considered such by some under-developed nations. As the level of education increases any nation quickly rises in development.

Education determines the work force. The more women work so the economy grows. The more informed a people are the more ideas for wealth creation. Anyone can craft up a great idea. But if not well thought through, is bound to fail on the long run.

Some times, we have women who are empowered with capital to start up SME’s. And yes they do, but may not be able to sustain such businesses. Why is that? Because most are not trained with any business management skills.

It takes adequate training to sustain any business. Giving women a chance to education therefore opens new opportunities to any nation’s economic growth.

It takes adequate training to sustain any business. Giving women a chance to education opens new opportunities to any nation's economic growth. Share on X

This is where CEHDEER comes in. In CEHDEER we take educating women very seriously. We train them with various simple business skills. Empowering them to sustain various SME’s they run to cater for their needs and families.

We also train the girl child with the necessary education to give them a better chance and freedom to choose the life they desire. You can consider partnering with us to empower women education.

2. Economy

The economy of a nation talks about its production and consumption of good and services and the supply of money.

Empowering women means every family can not only depend on the man. But also the woman has a contribution to make both the family and to the nation at large.

Women should be allowed access to careers of their choice. And not marginalized to certain jobs. It is not fair to allow them get educated in certain areadls, only to be deprived work opportunities in such areas.

Such access will promote agricultural productivity, large and small enterprise development, gender equality, etc.

3. Politics

This area is one that is highly sensitive to the way women are marginalized. They can be ruled but shouldn’t have a chance to rule.

The society is made up of men and women. So the influence of women should not be neglected in decision making. The number of elected women in positions of influence in government is always below 40%. And this is almost the same in both developed and undeveloped nations.

The society is made up of men and women. So the influence of women should not be neglected in decision making. Share on X

For better decision making, laws should be set up that give women access to be voted for and occupy important roles in government. This will provide more avenues to eradicate poverty, enhance women education, reduce dependency, educate them about their health, etc.

Effects of Women Empowerment In a Nation

1. Gender equality

This talks about equality in opportunities amongst men and women. Enjoying equal ease and access to available resources. No one is given superior rights over the other.

2. Low dependency rate for women.

When women don’t have a chance to be educated, it therefore means they may not be able to sustain themselves. And if they are married, will often depend on their husbands entirely.

This promotes domestic abuse and poverty in the society.

3. Low domestic violence

Domestic violence in homes is a result of men having a superiority mindset over women. A mindset sponsored mostly by culture. To marginalize women into only home chores and child bearing.

None the less, with women empowerment, families can live in love and peace.

4. Low poverty rate

Two can better bear burdens that one. An empowered man and woman will produce continuous increase. In cases of single mothers or widows. Being empowered with a skill or educated in a field will give them a chance to sustain themselves and families.

5. Low fertility rate

Most fertility cases should be avoided. With the right information, more women deliver their children safely. Reducing the rate of unnecessary fertility.

6. More SME’s

Increase SME’s mean increase in the economy. More jobs are created, more products produce and human needs are satisfied in the process.

Women generally love to own businesses. Empowerment is just the platform they stand on to sustain such businesses

7. Equal access to loan and land.

Women empowerment in the economy, gives women a chance to receive loans or land for various business ventures. Such that they can also have equal opportunities in agriculture, thereby resulting in increase in agricultural productivity.

Finally, women empowerment is necessary for sustainable development. Not just for the present age but for the future. Women need to be given equal opportunities to pursue, life, career, business, politics etc as they choose.

It is our dream and mission at CEHDEER to help women find their footing in society and also help their families and in nation building.

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