Soap Making

Soap making is a chemical combination of fats, oils, and lye to produce soap. The process is called saponification. As you are well aware, there are different types of soap. So also their production process differs including the materials used for it as well.

We use excellent and well-tested methods to train you to make the different kinds of soap available. Which are always durable and beautiful. Our soap-making experts who have perfected their trade-in soap-making help to teach you these skills to perfection.

We employ the ‘Do it yourself’ method in our soap-making training; to adequately allow you to hone the craft and master its principles and skills. Thereby giving you the opportunity, to create wealth for yourself from this skill.

Our training programs cover the production of different types of soaps. Ranging from detergents, to bar soaps for washing and bathing. We provide the necessary materials needed for you to engage the various processes first hand.